unauthorized biography of being jamie

Monday, October 31, 2005

gotta finnish watching this movie; IOAT what ah?

...it's 3:18 a.m. but still i need to know how it ends. i bought the The Notebook DVD a while back...but was stuck halfway...must be some errors with the way they encoding it...must be...

anyway...hope i wont be late for work later..still got a few more hours to go...sigh...


how i wish that i've applied leave for today as i thought that there wont be anything to do in the office since most of the staffs wont be around anyway due to these Deepavali and Raya breaks coming soon. Well, my colleagues came to me and passed down several things for me to do as they wont be around during their holiday. well helping them out wont be such problem for me...it just that...uh...

my senior manager came to my cubicle and informed me that i would be in charged of monitoring another important task - Malaysia IOAT. huh?! Come again?! and i am to liase with a staff in Hong Kong...oh great! sigh... why didn't he informed me earlier so that i could at least know what i am expected to do. so last minute one arr...aiyo...

take a deep breath jamie...who knows i might be enjoying all these works after all...finger crossed...and besides, this's the time for me to learn new things, a crash course indeed...to the extreme...

Saturday, October 29, 2005

is this it?

i think my adventure with my newfound 'escapade' has hit the ceiling...i've done most of the things that i could think of...being online 24-hours-a-day, doing the bitorrent thingy, d/l tones of full-length DVD-quality movies, video clips, albums...so what else can i do? think hard...well? nothing...for now...sigh...

Friday, October 28, 2005

no more handphone for me...

ah...i think i better return this handphone to my colleague. She's being too generous for even lending it to me for months...

so it means i'll simply be out of contact with the world...being isolated from those ppl tht i love and care...anyway it wont be that bad...will it? let's see how it goes this coming days...

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

me pc online...woohoo!

went to lowyat to buy the network card and its cable (20m long! sh*t ! what was i thinking..too long lar) for my pc... bought something else too... a 512mb Toshiba Thumdrive...well x for me but my uncle.

spent a couple of hundred $$$ for these things alone...and that's when my credit card came in handy. sign the bill and ready to go home.

once in my room, plugged in the network card and the cable, and walla...me online...
and been spending most of my time sitting in front of my pc...thinking of what i could do with my new found escapade...

Sunday, October 23, 2005

they lost my boxer...sigh...

I went to the laundry that evening to collect my clothes back. Once in my room, the first thing that came to my mind was to check on my red boxer. F*ckaroo…it’s not there…I couldn’t believe it so I checked again…yup it’s not there! Man! I was so crossed that I walked around my room like nutty caveman as I keep trying to figure out whether I really did send it to the laundry the other day. I tried to recall what I did last Friday but honestly, I knew well by doing just that, I would recall nothing coz my memories never quite served me right. My mind is in fact a bit disorganized nowadays.

It’s just a boxer dude! You may say… but to me it’s one new expensive boxer okay… couldn’t believe that they can be so careless with my stuff…sh*t! What’s the point of paying them for them service anyway. This suck!

So I went back to that laundry but to my amusement, it was closed half an hour earlier than what I’ve been told. Huh? Oh yeah!... if a friend of mine knows about what happened today, I’d bet that she’ll be goddamn happy to hear it as she never quite an avid fan of me wearing a boxer. Why is that?

Ahhh…long story…

Saturday, October 22, 2005

my ordinary kind of Saturday Nite…yet again…

To get the day started, I went to the office to finish some of the assignments…not that I can’t make it this coming Monday, it’s just that I like to be ahead of my schedule that’s all.

Oh yeah… on my way out of the office, I think passing by the pantry was some kind of a mistake…why? The pool table is in there…so you guess…I spent my time playing and doing some trick shots here and there until one guy came up and introduced himself as someone from the same state…Mirian guy eh? Didn’t know that he’s from Miri. So we played one round of pool while we talked about ourselves and how we ended up working far away from our hometown…

tick tick tick…it 8:30 pm…hmm guess I’ll better get going to the city coz I need to change some of the DVDs that I bought yesterday… they’re just not up to my standard…I mean the sounds suck and the picture quality…it makes you to think whether you might need to get a spectacles or something….


About 10pm, I met up with my ex-housemates. Didn’t see them ever since I’ve moved in to my new place… you know to be honest, I missed them…really…anyway we hanged out at place called Souled Out in Sri Hartamas. Never been to that part of town before but I kinda like it. They have this big screen showing a live match between Arsenal and Man City. Unfortunately, the Arse team won the match thru a spot kick.

Oh ya…of all the places in KL, Constantine, Marvin they were there too. What a small world! I found them sitting by the bar. I gotta to tell you that Cons…he’s one massive bear – built perfectly for a game of Rugby and Marvin, I guess he still enjoy the visits to the gym, well-tone physique. Anyway, they told me that they’ve been there since this evening…whoa! Booze time eh?


We were on the highway when I noticed some bikers on our left. Ok…there’s this girl sitting at the back and she’s was wearing a mini and I tell you, those legs… just a-must see. And I errg…I was checking her out and had my eyes affixed to her for a while. She noticed me and she looked back at me… man I tell you… as our eyes were locked on each other, I think I unintentionally gave away my Award-winning smile… I have to… well? Of course she smile back at me and not only that…it seemed that it’s her turn to check me out when she hastily raised her head to get the better view of me sitting at the back of the car… but it only lasted a few seconds as our car was slowly getting ahead of them…hmmm… forgot this one tiny detail, she was actually with another guy… the funny things was that I just can’t explain why both of us decided to ignore the guy for that brief period of time…wonder why…

Friday, October 21, 2005

wanna get wasted? jJust do it

Hah! Today’s the public holiday… no need to get up that early…so that’s explained why I woke up a bit late…err around 5:30pm…err no it’s actually around 6 something phew. I know I’ve wasted the whole day by doing nothing…so I decided to go down the city…get something bought. Came home that night with a handful of DVDs… it’s time to watch them all one thru another… hmm soaring my eyes that eventually I slept like 6 in the morning… zzzzzzz

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Where’s the judge? Oh? It’s me eh?

So this is the day… huh? I thought to myself as the Final Round of our Inaugural Dart Competition was about to start in a few more hours to come. I keep telling myself not to screw things up and be composed about it. Just be cool orikay Jamie?


It’s 4pm, the teams, fellow colleagues and few adorable chicks too – they’re all here eh? So? It’s show time. You know what make me nervous? Stepping up front alone and facing those faces who were keen enough to wait for what I was about to say next. Heck! I better get this thing over with as there’s no time to get any sentimental of being ‘scare’ of doing some public speaking thingy here. As it’s time to decide which of the 6 teams gonna go first… with a deep breath in I let my very first words out of my mouth…

“Okay, I want all the girls from each team…to step forward. Thank you…” hey! That’s went quite smooth eh? Respectfully commanding tone of my voice? Hmm…took me by surprised too…phew…“You are to throw one dart each and whoever gets the highest mark will have their team goes last…ok?...blar blar blar…and so that’s how the game was started. I was handling myself quite well back there…phew…

Anyway, as I was monitoring each of the games, I could still feel the blood came rushing thru my cheeks as it felt warmer and warmer as the time went by. Didn’t know why but I think I was blushing there. Gosh hope nobody noticed me in that color. With all of the crowds’ expectation and attention that went back and forth between me - the judge and the contestants, I think I slowly felt less and less awkward about myself standing there with a pen on my left hand marking down each scores…

The bottom line is that I enjoyed being there, not as one of the contestants but someone who may seems insignificant to some – a judge… You know, there’s too many things going on in my mind at that time and I’m afraid that I wont be able to describe it in words here, it might ends up close of being infinite but one thing for sure, I did well and I’m proud of myself coz I think I know what I’ve achieved today... and how I wish…

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

what was i thinking?

Ha…there I was again…staying back late in the office for no good reasons but several rounds of pool game. Yeak?!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

laundry day

Woke up around noon with a mild headache…don’t know why but maybe I’ve been eating the fast food once too often (having McD for dinner almost every night?). Hmm…I think I must have slept after a few pages reading thru my new book – The Naked Prey.

I need to do something around here and besides it’s my first Saturday staying in this house. Let me think real hard… oh ya! I got to go and find that laundry place! So once there, I asked that lady of how soon I would be able to come and collect my ‘baju’s and she simply said that this Monday…err what? If that’s the arrangement, then it means that I would have nothing to wear…haiya! So unlike the previous laundry place that I always go to in Cheras, which guaranteed that they would get things done within one day…

Never mind I thought to myself, coz it simply means that I need to go out there and do some shopping again…ehem…what a lame excuse for me to spend the $$$...kaching!

Friday, October 14, 2005

a crude joke eh? tht's just unnecessary...

Today’s the last day of the preliminary round for our inaugural Dart Competition. Since I was chosen to be one of the judges, one of the thing that I didn’t enjoy doing was to count the accumulated scores from the three-throws and finally to get it deducted from 501 and so on and so forth till the scores reach 0… you see I just can’t explain why I find it hard to do things mathematically nowadays, so unlike myself a few years back…heck no!

(… I guess the nicotine is slowly killing my brain cell one by one or maybe I can blame it on the computers that simply do most of the processing like ergg you typed in 1 + 1 to get it to answer 2. You see you err… ok…I’m getting more dependent on them computers than my own well gifted mind. I think that’s how I’m losing it) …

Anyway back to the competition, we normally would let those teams to warm up before they start they games. As it’s my turn to monitor this next team (which consist of Dave, a one tall lanky Australian, Hamdan and Aini the new MO staff), Dave was doing some warming up throw when Aini said something out loud as to make it sound funny “Apasal Dave baling macam bapok?” (Bapok – transvestite). The room was filled with charity laughter. Huh? Was the remark even necessary I thought to myself? Err…wait I still didn’t get the joke…was it supposed to be funny or what? i wonder if she ever watched the Dart Competition on TV before? that’s just how some of the world-class player throws the dart. C’mmon tell me lar, who’s the one that earned your team the winning point? Dave wasn’t it…hmm who’s the joke now?

I wonder how she would feel if someone who has the same attitude as her would simply show up and say “Apasal kau nampak macam bapok?”

Ever since I sat down with them MO staff, I just don’t know why she likes to make Dave the butt of her jokes…what’s so funny anyway?

Heck with tht, I ain’t no saint too… -n-

Monday, October 10, 2005

ah.. Dart Competition eh?

… today’s the day when the Dart Competition would be held. I can say that my skill is kinda above average but when it comes to competition like this, I find my hard-earned ability is anything but redundant. Me, Nel and Rudy named our team The Dart Vaders and the funny thing is that most of the people I know in the office, they regard us to be among the favourite to win the competition. i think it’s must be the impression they had when they noticed me practicing on dart throws every now and then. I know it’s unfair to say that to have me in the team is like to have a hand on the trophy already.

C’mmon lar people…it’s a team competition. if neither one of us perform well, than of course the result shows…I mean as a team… and so that’s how I’m going to tell ya’all…how we as a team overtly killed by our own high expectation…sigh…

Anyway, we’re a bit hyped up once we were informed of the other two teams that we’re gonna play against. One all-girls team and the other one didn’t look as much competitive as they look like…and so they say how look can be so deceiving… kuang kuang kuang!

Five minutes into the game, that team had just thrown their last dart (a double checkout)…what the heck!!!...another five minutes, the all-girls team, they too managed to end the game well ahead of us… hey wait!!! what about my team? Errh…it took us about 25 minutes or something to end it…sad sad sad… :-(

Me and my teammates were a bit flabbergasted and of course didn’t know what better things to say to each other… I could see that frustrated look on Nel’s face and Rudy’s as well… my oh my…

What else can I say… it’s a reminisce of my ’99 Battle of the Band Night…why does it has to happened again… anyway one thing for sure, few moments before we managed to end the game, we really did enjoyed ourselves… I think that‘s matter most…or was it really?

Sunday, October 09, 2005

yeah.. back to Church on Sunday...as if something bound to happen..

I think I’ve missed the Church mass for five weeks now. So I decided not to make it a habit. Once there, I was a bit surprised coz the church seem to be well-crowded than usual. Anyway I had my seat way up front.

Right after the gospel reading, the choir started to sing a song of praise, a kinda find my peace within me when suddenly a middle-age guy who stood right in front of me, I think must be in his late 40s, started to shout gibberish thing so loud and sudden that it freaked people around him. Oh wait! He didn’t stop there, when a few moments later, he started to cry hysterically and slowly it fades to a resentful sobbing. WTF?! Oops…didn’t mean to swear in the House Of God but never mind…skipped this alright?

To be honest, this incident that happened right in front of my eyes did make me a bit uncomfortable. C’mmon lar what would you do if a place which supposedly filled with abstinence and sobriety, cracked by an unthinkable stunt… not an everyday scene I must say.

You see, it usually takes about half an hour to end the mass right after the gospel reading. So that was how long the guy remained with his antics. It’s really amused me to watch the dumbfounded church wardens as they didn’t know what to do with this guy… someone with a wicked display of emotions, angry, confused and at most of the time, sorrow…but of what? Only he knows…

Saturday, October 08, 2005

moving in to my new place...finally

I’m officially moved in to my new place in Kelana Jaya, a spacious room of a double storey house. Like the neighborhood and above all, I just love the expediency that comes with it. From here (and that’ll be the Kelana Jaya LRT Station), to my office? Just a two-station in between. Guess I’ll have all the luxury to wake later in the morning…no more morning rush. Yeah forget the traffic…

I was grateful that my housemates were willing to help me moving my stuffs to my new place. And of course after the trip, I’ve promised them a dinner treat somewhere in KJ also. The only place that I could think of was Ming Tien. Didn’t know why but I just can’t wait to unpack my stuff…wooohooo!!!!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

yet again...

Same pattern…went home late…stuck up in the office…yet again... call McD Delivery for my makan... yummy...yuck!

Monday, October 03, 2005

busy day

Heading my way out of the office around 10 pm… had this CICS training the whole day, which means I only got the chance to resume my works after 6pm….whoa!